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We're Back In Business!

So it has only been a few days since my relaunch of Wildegalz Boutique! (Make sure you check out my site When you hear stories of people saying they stayed up all night, lost sleep, cried, etc. Please believe them. I am a witness and a testament. Having to work your 9-5 by day and somehow find time between juggling kids, cooking, cleaning, giving your significant other their time, giving yourself time. I. AM. TIRED. I think it will take me a month to really recuperate from the lack of sleep. And to make matters worse I've broken out in hives from all the stress and sleep deprivation!

And the sad thing about it is, I would do it all over again! How crazy is that! I feel like I'm doing what makes ME happy! I'm my WHY! Even when the sales are low and the conversion rates diminish, I don't desire to give up! I tell people to remember your why, no matter how frustrating owning a business gets, I would do over and over again! I take my hats off to those of us who took the leap of faith and started a business in the middle of a PANDEMIC! Ya'll a PANDEMIC! It still boggles my mind because when I first started working on Wildegalz, COVID was not even a topic. Then, boom!

I could have given up, probably should've given up, because I was literally working through the night as I sat next to my ailing husband. But I knew if my life was going to be this, I needed freedom, I needed the ability to get up and go, or adjust my schedule without having to consult with anyone. I also needed security in knowing that if I needed time to care for him, my job didn't hang in the balance. Of course, I'm ways away from that, but I am working every day to make that a reality. As of now, pray for sis because it's a struggle every day, but I know God is holding me up, I marvel at myself sometimes, but that's another blog post for another time.

As we navigate through Q4, I wish peace, prosperity, and longevity to all small business owners, we made it through one of the toughest storms to date! Let's finish strong!

Talk soon,


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